• 1977 - Dance, Dance, Dance
  • 1977 - Dancin' Fever
  • 1977 - Sweet Dynamite
  • 1978 - Dancin' Fever
  • 1978 - Take It Easy
  • 1978 - It Takes Two
  • 1979 - Boogie Woogie Dancin' Shoes
  • 1979 - Boogie Woogie Dancin' Shoes
  • 1981 - The Two Of Us
  • 1982 - I Will Follow Him
  • 1983 - For Your Love
  • 1983 - For Your Love (remix)
  • 1984 - Born To Love
  • 1985 - Whisper To A Scream
  • 1985 - Trippin' On The Moon
  • 1986 - Down And Counting
  • 1986 - Whisper To A Scream (remix)
  • 1987 - Can't You Feel My Heart Beat
  • 1987 - Hot To The Touch
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